Reflections and What's to Come...
Ok real talk…this is a hard blog for me to write. On my content calendar this was listed as “BIDE Recap Post” but, based off recent events, I’ve had to pivot the content quite a bit.
I’ll start by stating the obvious: Things have changed so drastically in the past month that it’s hard to know where to start. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing ensued, events were cancelled, business temporarily shuttered and we’ve been ordered to “shelter in place” for the foreseeable future. It’s been a lot to process for me personally but also as an entrepreneur and business owner, I’ve been forced to face some pretty harsh realities I never even imagined a few weeks ago.
Now, before anyone starts thinking the worst, I’m going to be fine. Me and my business will survive this, I have no doubt. These next few months may look a little different for all of us, but we’ll get through it and I do believe after all this, we’ll emerge stronger because of it.
Many of you have been asking how I’ve been impacted by this so here’s the truth: it’s been tough.
I represent some amazing brands, individuals and small businesses who have all been deeply impacted by this global pandemic. Many have had to alter launch plans or pivot entirely to adapt to this online world, and it’s something that will no doubt impact their bottom line. For me, that means adjusting PR plans and scaling back where necessary. Luckily, my business operates with minimal additional expenditures so I can be flexible, but it’s definitely something I’m feeling too and have been thinking a lot about additional things I can offer to support my business in this time.
Some quick background…When I went out on my own about a year and a half ago wanting to pursue a career with more impact. Since then, I’ve built my business supporting brands that were doing well by doing good, and I’ve loved every minute of it. But before all this, I spent years at a big agency working for the man on crisis communications, specifically on a little thing called the Swine Flu (ahem H1N1 outbreak). That’s right, this ain’t my first rodeo 😊 And while this current situation is different, the one thing that remains the same is the importance of clear, consistent communications.
So why am I telling you this? I’ve built this business to give me a platform to give back and this current state of affairs give me the platform to do just that. I’m excited to announce that I’m going to be formally launching some crisis trainings in the next few weeks. It’s going to cover some basis crisis preparedness and exercises for you to do for your business to stay ahead of the curve.
Full disclosure: I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never taught before and I can’t promise perfection. But I promise you this: I know a whole heck of a lot and I promise to pour all of that into this training. Check back for more updates – I’m excited to share more concrete details when I have things set up.
xoxo, Morgan Bellock | #mbpr #prwithpurpose